August 1, 2016

docker-cleanup to garbage collect old images

Filed under: Technical — Tags: , , , — James Bunton @ 12:00 am

Docker is a very useful containerisation platform. I use it so much that I regularly fill up /var/lib/docker with old images and get out of disk space errors. Unfortunately Docker has no automatic garbage collection mechanism to clean up unused images. I wrote a simple shell script which I run from time to time.


March 18, 2016

Safe bash scripting: ‘set -e’ is not enough!

Filed under: Rants,Technical — Tags: , — James Bunton @ 10:53 pm

I know, I know, shell scripting is a bad way to write software. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for bash though. Sure there are plenty of gotchas in bash scripting, but isn’t that the case for every programming language?


July 29, 2015

bashttpd – the Bash HTTP server

Filed under: Technical — Tags: , , — James Bunton @ 8:11 pm

So I was bored on the bus trip to work this morning. Back in Uni I’d thought about whether it would be possible to write an HTTP server as a shell script for bash. So I did it! Presenting bashttpd.
